Thursday, September 13, 2012

A new begining.

This blog started on a whim years ago and I've barely kept up with it. Now I feel God is pushing me towards this again but with a more purposeful mind. No longer will I leave God out when I feel it isn't "pc". This blog is from my view point and that contains God. I've been searching for a space where there are other like me, but yet to really find it. I don't fit into a lot of mommy groups and I don't fit into a lot of birthmother groups either as I don't need healing from the pain, I'm not second guessing my choice, and my life has moved forward. I'm happily married and we are trying to start our own family but I do get panic attacks every so often when I think how she will take it. I know this has to be normal but NO ONE ever talks about it. So this is what this is about, LIFE after placement.

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